TLC Talent Pool

We have a group of people whom we know well, we admire, and we trust. They are our Talent Pool.

Social Impact Report 2021-2022

Social Impact Report 2021-2022

I’m sharing our annual report for 2021/22 – it has some focus on our story so far, what we value as a team, what we stand for, as well as some insight into the difference we have made.

TLC - In Partnership With The Life Rooms

TLC - In Partnership With The Life Rooms

We’re in a crisis situation.

People everywhere are impacted by the cost of living crisis, with families especially feeling the pinch - and that’s before we’ve hit winter and the rising fuel costs.

Guaranteed Interviews at Liverpool Philharmonic: New Partnership Will Support Unemployed in City Region

Guaranteed Interviews at Liverpool Philharmonic: New Partnership Will Support Unemployed in City Region

We've partnered with Liverpool Philharmonic to address the unemployment challenges in the city region.

Welcome to the TLC Team Fin!

Welcome to the TLC Team Fin!

You may have noticed a bit of a change to the TLC socials recently. They’re bright, on-brand, and best of all professional. That’s all down to Fin our fantastic Social Media Assistant hired through Kickstart. Read on below for Fin’s own words on his journey from UC to TLC. Lauren


At 20, having dropped out of University and having no part-time job, I wasn’t sure how the pandemic would affect me. Positively as it turns out, over the course of the several lockdowns I began to develop my craft both digitally and traditionally.

With so much time spent indoors, I began painting again which I hadn’t done since finishing my Fine Art course at college. As a kid I somehow always knew I wanted to be an artist, or certainly work in something creative as many hours of my childhood was spent drawing Anime, Pokémon cards and pretty much anything I watched on TV.

Alongside my art course in college, I did Graphic Design/Communication which gave me my first insight into the realm of digital art, something I never thought I’d take interest in at first. It was on this course that I realised my career path was definitely in the creative and digital industry as opposed to being a traditional fine artist (I’d rather be famous whilst alive than dead anyway).

During the course I worked on a number of mini projects, from character design to a full cultural magazine focused on the arts and music of today’s youth. However, the most fun and freedom I’ve had on a project was post college, again working on my skills during the lockdown when I begin to create my own streetwear clothing brand Dreams+Nightmares;  the name reflecting how we all felt during the pandemic.

As well as wanting to be a creative since I was young, I had always wanted to be covered in tattoos; something I think my parents first realised when I spent hours of my school time drawing on my hands which they would then have to help wash off once I was home. I don’t 100% know when or why my fascination with tattoos began, but it probably had something to do with the wrestlers and music artists I saw and listened to growing up being covered in tattoos. Some on their face. Coming up to my 18th birthday it was all that I could think about and on my birthday got a Japanese katana tattooed down the right side of my arm. The Japanese style of tattoos is again something I’ve always appreciated above other styles.

Initially my mum and dad liked my tattoos, that was until I came home with 1964 tattooed under my eye. I thought that if I got the year they were born as the first one on my face it would be impossible for them to not like it. I was wrong.

Recently I combined my passion for art and football, something I would love to do as a career in the future. Joining a campus league with my mates, I was tasked, as the graphic designer, to create both kit and crest for our new team Smithdown Saint-Germain.  Away from my social media work I also continue to combine my two passions as I have begun to create a collection of portraits of footballers, having my first piece hung in a gallery a couple of weeks ago.

So where does at this leave me in terms of work?

I registered with Transform Lives Company to look for my way into the industry through the Kickstart Scheme. Then I got the best Kickstart going – with Transform Lives themselves. This opportunity not only gives me the chance to use my skills in the world of work, but also I’m part of the team that help people in the same situation I found myself in.

Initially I was being brought in purely to manage their social media, however Tracy and Lauren have given me the creative freedom to continue using my graphic design skills to help in all aspects of marketing and media in the Company.

Since joining they’ve taught me many new skills and put their faith in me on non-design projects, such as working alongside Chell at the Kickstart Jobs Fairs, meeting people face to face. They’ve even got me doing yoga!

Fin Spicer

Welcome to the TLC Team Aidan!

Welcome to the TLC Team Aidan!

It’s been three weeks since Aidan joined as our Admin Assistant through Kickstart. He’s settled right in and is doing a fantastic job, already supporting people on the One You workshops.

Over to Aidan to introduce himself and his journey to TLC…….



My name is Aidan, I recently turned 21 and I have just started as an administrative assistant at Transform Lives Company under the Kickstart scheme this week.

I am over the moon to be given the opportunity to work at Transform Lives, I had not actually heard of TLC before applying for this position but after doing vast amounts of research on the company, I knew it was somewhere I would feel welcomed and a place I would actually enjoy working for. I first found out about the job through Chell who is the Programme Manager at TLC, Chell was at the job centre when I had my meeting with my work coach. I had known that someone would be here to discuss working opportunities, however, I had in the back of my mind that someone in a suit would be trying to sell me a job that I would have no interest in taking.

I sat down and informed Chell that I have an interest in mental health and want a career in that path, I also told Chell that I was currently a volunteer at the Life Rooms in Walton, and after that, I was not sure who was happier to see who. I was made up that Chell had an opportunity for me to work at TLC and Chell was made up that I was the perfect fit for the role. I sent off my CV that day and had an interview lined up two weeks later.

I found out I got the role coming home from Paris, I just got on the train at Manchester Airport coming to Liverpool and Adam gave me a call to tell me I was successful and I would be starting in 3 days’ time, people must have been looking at me on the train thinking I had just won the lottery because I was ecstatic, as soon as I finished the call with Adam, I immediately rang my mum and told her the good news, it was a brilliant end to a fantastic week.

My previous job was working in admin at the Tribunal Courts on Dale Street, and I also done a bit of court ushering work. As much as the people in there were lovely, the job itself was very demoralising and depressing. It mainly involved people appealing their PIP getting rejected and having to read people's stories was heart-breaking. I would come home from work and feel like I had just done a 12-hour shift in A&E. I eventually left the Tribunal Courts after almost a year working there and went on to volunteer with The Life Rooms in Walton, however, due to the present pandemic, I was limited in ways I could help out.

As writing this, I am in my third week of being employed by TLC, I have never settled into a workplace as well as I have with TLC, I feel like I have known all my colleagues for years. I am someone who would describe myself as an introvert, and it takes me a very long time with new people, but everyone has been so welcoming towards me. I would also like to give a special mention to Adam, who I will be working closely with, as he is the main reason why I came out of my shell so quickly.

Mental health is extremely important to me, as I have had my own nightmares with it, and struggled a lot throughout my teenage years, often struggling silently, so to turn what was once my nightmare into a career-path means the world to me.

I cannot thank Transform Lives, and everyone involved enough. I do truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, and I cannot wait for the next 6 months.


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