6th October – Home Energy Workshop with the Green Doctors
- https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/home-energy-workshop-with-green-doctor-tickets-419492682907
The cost-of-living crisis has affected us all, in particular the catastrophic increase in our home energy costs. Come along to our home energy workshop with Groundwork UK’s Green Doctors and find out how some simple adjustments in your home can make a big difference to the cost of your utility bills. From how we cook to how we heat our homes; you’ll get all the information you need to start taking back control. Good for the environment and good for your pocket.
27th October – Budget Management and Debt Workshop - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/budget-management-and-debt-workshop-tickets-419522361677
The meteoric rise in the cost of living has put millions of people in the UK at risk of not being able to meet their financial needs. Our budget management and debt advice workshop is designed to help you to take back control and learn how to more proactively manage your home budget. We will also help you to deal with debt, as well as provide you with advice and guidance around where to get more help. These are worrying times, but you are not alone and it is NOT your fault.
10th November – Negotiating Skills and Assertive Conversations - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/negotiating-skills-and-assertive-conversations-tickets-419530847057
Many people struggle with asserting themselves, especially when it comes to doing so in a work situation. The cost-of-living crisis has left many people struggling and for many the solution may lie in seeking better pay, more hours or a more sustainable contract. Our resident Guru Lee Fishwick is an Executive Coach with many years’ experience in teaching people how to communicate more effectively. This workshop is for anybody who would like to get better at negotiating, communicating and having assertive conversations – vital skills that can be utilised in all walks of life.