TLC Celebrates 10 YEARS!

Transform Lives Company is 10 years old, a lot has happened!  Please stick with us on the next 10!

In 2013 I’d just got to grips with Twitter, now some guy who invented rockets bought it for $45bn but we can’t afford to keep the leccy on. We’re in a VUCA world for sure – full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. This constant state of change is the norm, there’s not going to be a period of calm in our home lives, jobs, relationships, neighbourhoods…. the world at large.  Trying to keep track of it is impossible and not a very good idea if we want to get a good nights’ sleep. 




The Transform Lives Company 10 things:

I thought I’d share 10 things, one for each year, of things we can rely on that we don’t want to change, that keep us on track and focussed on the path ahead.  We’ve felt the bumps, worried like everyone else if we could cope with a pandemic, but we kept doing the things that matter, that we do every day, and people noticed and responded to us well.


Start with kindness – our person-centred approach works for the difficult situations people find themselves in.  Look after each other.

Speak up! - we have a duty to spread the word. People shouldn’t miss out because we kept quiet about injustice and unfairness

Be social – working for social good, helping others build their social capital, creating connections

A ball of fire – being unflaggingly determined

Keep it simple - doing the core things properly, the people we are supporting need that from us

Protect our values and partnering with those who share them.  Our reputation matters and gets noted.      

Have courage - being different isn’t easy. We have won people over by breaking the mould and staying calm in the face of adversity

Do what we love - supporting people into work, in a way that works for them not the system design we happen to have at the time

Do what we are good at – and staying in our own lane, excelling at that and passing opportunities to others if they are better at it than us 

Do what is needed - having a home, your health and a job are the foundations of a good life for most, we’re proud to help on all fronts!




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