
About LCR's Economies for Healthier Lives Programme

LCR (Liverpool City Region) Economies for Healthier Lives explores how health and well being can shape economic strategies. EHL looks at how inclusive workplaces and practices can build healthier and more active communities.

LCR EHL are committed to:

  • Listening to residents - finding out what health challenges can create workplace barriers, leaving you unable to enter or remain in work.
  • Working with employers - offering guidance and support to create inclusive workplaces that support staff with health and well being needs
  • Collaborating with key stakeholders - learning from organisations who are successfully implementing flexible and sustainable working practices to support employees with health conditions to remain active in the workplace

Supported by The Health Foundation and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority,

LCR's Economies for Healthier Lives Programme will:

  • Help to identify simple, inexpensive and practical steps that can be taken by those living with long term health conditions and their employers to overcome these challenges.
  • Inform decisions made by local and national policy makers and funders, when deciding on the most effective way to tackle health inequality.

For more information about the LCR's Economies for Healthier Lives Programme, contact John White

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Health Conditions Directory PDF

We know that within many workplaces, lack of understanding around disabilities or health conditions can create barriers preventing workers from playing an active role in the economy.

Through developing our health conditions directory, we hope to increase visibility and understanding of many of the common disabilities or health conditions that can lead to a disconnect between employers and employees.

Our hope is that this resource will enable employers to understand low cost, quick win solutions they can embed in their working culture that will remove barriers and increase inclusivity.

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Inclusive Workplaces Matter

Nearly a quarter of the UK working age population are classed as disabled (23%) and a third (29%) are known to have a long term health condition. 

Often workplaces can unconsciously create barriers making it more difficult for people to join or remain as part of their workforce when living with health conditions or disabilities.  Yet the economic case for building accessible and inclusive workplaces is clear.

A study from Accenture (PDF) identified 45 companies as “disability inclusion champions.” These organisations stood out in leadership in areas specific to inclusion and disability employment and saw on average:

  • 72% more productivity
  • 30% higher profit margins
  • 200% higher net income

Often the changes to be made are simpler than we imagine, but the impact can be vast.

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Economies for Healthier Lives: Improving Employment outcomes in Liverpool City Region - Health & Integration Toolkit

This comprehensive toolkit outlines a coordinated approach between employment support and public health in Liverpool City Region (LCR) to improve health and employment outcomes. ​ 

It highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement, data analysis, evidence benchmarking, and service redesign to better meet the needs of the local population. ​ 

Download the document for valuable insights and recommendations to create a healthier and more inclusive workforce.

Download Here
Audience sitting watching a presentation

LCR's Economies for Healthier Lives Programme - Residents Meeting

Earlier this year, LCR EHL invited residents of the City Region to take part in a survey which aimed to improve understanding of health condition(s) on a person, when trying to find work. The findings of the survey were used to inform the decision of policy makers at a Liverpool City Region level and at a national level. Please click to button below to read the findings.

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