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TLC Blog by Lee - Stop the world I want to get off (for a while)

TLC Blog by Lee - Stop the world I want to get off (for a while)

In Summer we habitually seek some time out.

A holiday. A staycation. Just something different. It seems we may have an innate need to refresh. To find a new perspective for a while. The world we live in is fast paced, complex and challenging. I think if we were totally honest many of us often feel overwhelmed, if not a bit bewildered at some point on most days. Our racing thoughts often generate anxiety and uncomfortable feelings in our body. Being on holiday, often allows time for the habitual patterns of thinking to fade into the background. Thankfully the thinking usually slows down. After a few days of unwinding, we start to feel more relaxed, and we feel like the world is new, fresh and exciting. More like an adventure than a nightmare. We may sleep better, enjoy the taste of our food, spend time listening to others instead of the chatter in our own heads.

Transform Lives has a little meditation group that meets weekly. We play with the idea that slowing down a little, maybe even stopping at random points in our day supports our wellbeing. It allows our thoughts to slow, and we may find natural short periods of relaxation. Like on holiday. Interesting it can generate a radical shift in perspective. The world around us can appear new, fresh and exciting. More like an adventure than a nightmare. We may sleep better, enjoy the taste of our food, spend time listening to others instead of the chatter in our own heads.

You are always welcome to join us.

If you're interested in joining our weekly meditation session - Email us here and we will send you the link


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